Green Invest

Helping high-demand members go green

TVA and MTE are working together to offer new, renewable options for businesses with aggressive sustainability targets. TVA uses economies of scale and a competitive bidding process to secure the lowest possible cost by offering 20-year contracts. This is a great option for commercial and industrial members who plan to be in the Valley for decades to come. 

How does it work? 

MTE will help our members navigate the process, in partnership with TVA, to help them achieve their goals. MTE and TVA help manage the bidding process to get the lowest possible installation and purchase cost. The member will sign a contract to purchase renewable energy credits from a solar farm. Please reach out to MTE to begin the process. 

Who should consider participating? 

High-volume energy consumption businesses with long-term sustainability goals intending to operate within the Tennessee Valley for 20+ years can benefit from this program. Unlike the Green Flex program, Green Invest provides larger carbon-reduction benefits over time while providing RECs to meet their high consumption needs. 


Talk to an expert in solar. Find the right thing for you. 

We’ve got solar expertise on staff. Before joining MTE, Tim Suddoth spent over 6 years in the Solar Industry learning the ins and outs of sales, design estimating, permitting, commissioning, and installing solar systems. He holds certifications from NABCEP — the North America Board of Certified Energy Practitioners — the gold standard for solar. If you have any questions, Tim is available to talk to at no charge.