6 Ways to Make Your Home Office Energy Efficient Working from home, even on a temporary basis, may increase your energy use. It means that you're spending more time using a computer, lights and other appliances at home instead of in your workplace. But by improving the energy efficiency of your…
Read moreMURFREESBORO, TN – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) held its Annual Meeting virtually Saturday for the second consecutive year. Due to concerns for member and employee safety, the meeting was streamed live from the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce. Per the cooperative’s bylaws, the results…
Read moreElectric Cooperatives: Building a Brighter Tennessee By: Maria Galue Ojeda The golden hour sun hit my face through the car window. I felt the warmth of the glass against my forehead and each little bump the car went over. I looked at the nostalgic sights of the endless plains of cattle…
Read moreElectric Cooperatives Connect By: Ivan Segoviano “I’m sorry, Old Sport. I won’t be making it home for Christmas this year. The EMC over here in Gibson really needs me.” These words over the phone from his father shattered twelve year old Ben Scrooge’s heart. “You do this every year Dad. There…
Read moreCo-ops Connect by Reagan Mattingly I start my day within one of the many Electric Co-ops located around Tennessee, feeding, and growing. I spark and crackle as I gain energy inside the power plant I call home. I remain antsy and charging until it is time for me to be released into high-…
Read moreIf you would like to know more, you can reach us by phone at 877-777-9020, by visiting your local office, or via email through our contact form.
Read moreAs a local electric cooperative, our consumers are member-owner in their cooperative. Administration and governance are more important and scrutinized topics today than ever before. Your electric cooperative is proud of its unique governance model and the administration designated to operate within…
Read moreTo keep our members informed as a not-for-profit and local electric cooperative, we publish an annual statistical update and report. Check out the statistical update video below to see how we continue to grow. Members wishing to view the annual report can do so at any of our local offices.
Read moreDear members: In all likelihood, you experienced an outage this morning, as TVA imposed upon MTE requirements to interrupt power on a rotational basis across our system. For the first time in its history, TVA did not have sufficient capacity, so it imposed these curtailment requirements upon…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric and United Communications have joined forces to answer your calls for broadband and expanded internet access to underserved areas in Middle Tennessee. Many projects are already underway, and many more will begin soon.
Read moreEvery year, members gather for the MTE Annual Meeting to vote for their Board of Directors, Nominating Committee, proposed bylaw changes and any other business that may come before the membership.
Read moreStriving to augment the success of our member businesses and industries by fulfilling power needs reliably, inexpensively and personally. We've committed ourselves to being more than just an electric provider to our business and industrial members. Sure, we will take care of new business by…
Read moreHelp us learn about your broadband needs Middle Tennessee Electric’s broadband partner, United Communications, has begun installing broadband in our service area to improve the reliability of our system and to provide members access to high-speed internet. As we continue to develop our Smart…
Read moreHow does the program work? Members who participate can claim the power generation of a block of solar panels for $20 per month. A block consists of 5.5 panels, and each residential member can subscribe to 1 or 2 blocks each month. Your monthly bill shows how much energy those panels generated…
Read moreYour ideas are making us better. At Middle Tennessee Electric, you are not a customer but a member and owner of your local not-for-profit electric co-op. This membership provides opportunities to offer feedback to board members, leadership and employees. One important feedback tool is the Co-op…
Read moreBefore you get started, review our development checklist Only trees listed on the MTE Tree Planting Guidelines can be planted within any existing or proposed overhead power line rights-of-way. The developer shall provide and clear the initial 40-foot rights-of-way from "sky to ground" with…
Read moreComprehensive Service programs provide special services to our industrial and commercial members. These services include energy audits, compressed air studies, infrared testing, metering, load profiles, lighting audits, and billing analysis. Learn more about the Comprehensive Services…
Read moreMTE has updated its specifications for new development to include provisions for a conduit design to accommodate Smart Grid communications. Planning for a future that delivers fiber optic connectivity to each meter will begin November 1, 2020. Complete construction standards are located at https…
Read moreMTE Office Lobbies Are Open with COVID-19 Precautions Middle Tennessee Electric is a member-owned cooperative and has been dedicated to serving its members at the highest possible levels since its founding more than 80 years ago…and especially in troubled times. When the COVID-19 Pandemic…
Read moreMTE makes $80k in donations to bring $160k in support to area non-profit agencies Many residents throughout the Middle Tennessee Electric region have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased needs in our communities have had an economic impact on the non-profit…
Read moreDon't fall for these common efficiency myths that can use more energy and cost you extra money on your energy bill. Myth #1 - Weather does not affect my electric bill. When temperatures dip, running the heat for long periods of time can result in a significantly higher bill. The larger the…
Read moreMembers assistance is available by calling 877-777-9020 Middle Tennessee Electric announced Sunday it would continue to suspend disconnections until March 2, 2021, as the area rebounds from recent winter storms. MTE encourages members to reach out if they are having trouble paying their bill…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric is here to help The effects of last week’s frigid temperatures can linger longer than expected. As electric bills reflecting higher energy use from the recent cold weather begin to arrive, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) reminds members that energy assistance money…
Read moreDon’t let high bills catch you off guard this winter. Plan ahead for season bill changes. During the winter months, MTE members will notice an increase in their electric bills. Knowing that winter weather is on the horizon, we encourage you to plan ahead, adjust your daily habits, and take…
Read moreMake your home and your wallet feel warmer while using less energy. There’s a lot to enjoy about the winter months: holidays, sweater weather, and, if you’re lucky, maybe even a little snow. But when family and friends huddle indoors to stay warm, the electric bill can climb uncomfortably high.…
Read moreWhy bills increase during cold weather When winter weather brings colder temperatures, particularly the extreme cold Middle Tennessee has experienced in recent years, members typically notice an increase in their electric bills even if their energy habits have remained the same. We understand…
Read moreProtect yourself and your solar investment by getting the right information. Talk to a ProSolar expert before you buy a solar PV system. MTE created the ProSolar program to give you the information you need to make smarter decisions when you decide to buy a solar PV energy system at your home…
Read moreNow that warm weather has made its way to Middle Tennessee, it might seem impossible to keep your home cool enough without paying a big price. MTE is here to provide you with ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency and help save on summertime energy bills. Check out these tips to help you get…
Read moreThe program helps builders purchase technologies that are highly desired for efficiency, effectiveness, and longevity to make new homes more marketable. Additionally, participating homebuilders can receive the added marketing benefits of taking part in a program sponsored by TVA and MTE. The…
Read moreImprove your energy consumption to save money on your monthly bill. We want to be your trusted advisor, continually offering tips and advice on how to get the most out of your electricity while also saving money. Our energy services team has gathered together a variety of articles and videos to…
Read moreThis service costs $25 but provides you detailed information to increase your home’s comfort and save money. eScore allows homeowners to work on energy efficiency improvements at their own pace and re-engaging with the program as many times as needed to achieve their home’s best possible energy…
Read moreA general overview of our commitment to educating our membership. Link to: Extracurricular Programs In-School Programs Safety Demo Trailer SharingChange Scholarship Jay Sander's Contact Information
Read moreSafe, reliable, and affordable electricity and innovation MTE began more than 80 years ago to electrify a few hundred rural homes, farms, and towns and has evolved to become one of the largest electric cooperatives in the country. Our territory serves hundreds of thousands of middle Tennesseans …
Read moreEnergy Right Solutions for Business The Energy Right Solutions program provides an opportunity for businesses to receive incentives and possibly offset the investment costs of new energy projects at their facilities. Contact a Key Accounts Coordinator to find out more about…
Read moreBelow are some frequently asked questions related to the election and voting process. If you have additional questions, comments, or concerns about the election process, let us know at 877-777-9020 or send us an email.
Read moreEV Charging Overview Depending on your needs and electrical capacity, you can purchase a charger — also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) — to use at your home or business. There are three different charger levels: Level 1: 120-volt With a Level 1 charger, you can…
Read moreHelping you save energy and money on your next appliance purchase We've partnered with TVA to offer another great tool for members looking to buy a new appliance. While your heating and cooling system uses the most energy in your home, appliances are also energy hogs. When you purchase a new…
Read moreWelcome to the EV Car Club! The EV Car Club is a place for people to join a community of electric vehicle enthusiasts, even if you don’t own an EV. Being a member of MTE’s EV Car Club gives you access to events and promotional opportunities designed specifically for owners or potential owners.…
Read moreSave Energy. Save Money. During the winter and summer months, MTE members will notice an increase in their electric bills. Knowing what kind of weather is on the horizon can help you plan ahead, adjust your daily habits, and take steps to increase your home’s energy efficiency. There are plenty…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric shares energy-saving tips ahead of record temperatures next week With temperatures in Middle Tennessee expected to soar into the upper 90s starting early next week, Middle Tennessee Electric encourages members to take steps to reduce energy usage and save money on…
Read moreBe Energy Smart. Learn how to create an energy efficient and smart home by visiting MTE's EnergyHub trailer. MTE's EnergyHub Trailer is a new way we are engaging members in the conversation about energy efficiency. Tour the trailer to find energy saving tips for appliances, interact with…
Read moreCome celebrate with us! The 2025 Earth Day Celebration will be held on Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Rutherford County’s Historic Downtown Square. Rutherford County’s Earth Day Celebration aims to educate and mobilize our community into action. This year’s theme, “Our Power,…
Read moreThe first “Earth Day Celebration” was held on April 22, 2002, in the employee parking lot of Murfreesboro Electric Department (MED). MED created this event to kick-off TVA’s newly developed Green Power Switch Program. The next year MED partnered with the City of Murfreesboro and moved the event…
Read moreMessage from Earth Day Chair It is once again time to sign up to be part of Rutherford County’s 24th Annual Earth Day Celebration! The event will be held on Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the historic public square in downtown Murfreesboro. For the Earth Day Celebration to be a…
Read moreI (“Member”) am seeking to obtain energy efficiency ratings provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. In order to accomplish this, I am required to provide energy consumption data to EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Middle Tennessee…
Read moreBelow are the current fees, charges, and penalties you could see on your bill. Please note that we have several options to avoid some of these penalties or charges, so please reach out to us to learn more.
Read moreMTE's Fixed Plan allows members to pay a fixed amount each month. The Fixed plan has two components: the Fixed Amount and the Settlement Amount. For members with existing service, the Fixed Amount is calculated based on an average of your account's previous 12-month usage. For members signing…
Read moreHow does it work? Each $2 block is equivalent to adding 200-kilowatt hours of clean, renewable power to the grid. This month-to-month program is a great way to do your part to help preserve our planet. Who should consider signing up? Members looking to use renewable energy but don’t…
Read moreThe GMC credit provides significant power cost savings to qualifying manufacturers, which in turn helps retain manufacturing load in the Tennessee Valley. A strong manufacturing base helps keep TVA rates low for all members. View the General Manufacturing Credit guidelines here.
Read moreHow does it work? Members who participate offset 100% of their electricity usage with renewable power while paying only 1 cent per kilowatt-hour. For example, if you use 1,248 kilowatt-hours in a month, we will add $12.48 to your bill. TVA generates the same amount of energy using renewable…
Read moreHow does it work? MTE will help our members navigate the process, in partnership with TVA, to help them achieve their goals. MTE and TVA help manage the bidding process to get the lowest possible installation and purchase cost. The member will sign a contract to purchase renewable energy…
Read moreAre you prepared for a winter outage? When winter temperatures drop and storms hit, it can be challenging to stay safe and warm. Winter storm severity varies depending on where you live, but everyone can be affected by extreme winter storms at some point. At MTE, we care about your safety, and…
Read moreMTE's SharingChange program funds 10 $2,000 scholarships for students in the cooperative's service area. How to apply Scholarship applications can be submitted by clicking on the "APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP" button above. Restrictions Interested persons must be an MTE member or dependent on…
Read moreThank you for your interest in a Home Energy Checkup from Middle Tennessee Electric! During this onsite visit, a local MTE Energy Pro will review your home’s energy profile and provide a customized list of recommendations for you as the homeowner to implement that could help you reduce your…
Read moreThe U.S. Department of Energy recommends homeowners replace their heating and cooling system every 10 to 15 years. MTE has partnered with TVA to bring you special financing on your unit’s upgrade or replacement. You’ll get significantly higher efficiency resulting in reduced energy consumption.…
Read moreMTE's Herbicide Program
Read moreOn May 11, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Rural Electrification Administration, thereby providing federal funds for rural electrification. On May 11, 1936, Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation was born after farmers, interest leaders and rural residents dedicated…
Read moreHow a heat pump works and why outside temperatures affect your bill It’s cold outside! This means your heating and air conditioner works harder and uses more electricity to keep you warm and comfortable. Let us explain why your energy use rises when the temperature outside goes down. Your…
Read moreQualified members can receive help with energy efficiency upgrades. MTE and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) are partnering to support the Home Uplift program, which funds home energy upgrades and strives to increase energy efficiency and home weatherization for low-income households. This…
Read morePROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT ONE TREE AT A TIME Before planting your tree, it’s important to choose the right location. If you don’t have a yard, ask your apartment complex, your school or a local park for permission to plant on their property. You can also plant your new tree in a large pot…
Read moreAs we wrap up 2022, we look toward the future with optimism and backward with pride at our 86 years of service and innovation. The upcoming year will likely bring new opportunities — and possibly new challenges. But we are confident that MTE will be up to either task because we will always…
Read moreSave money on an efficient home. Get rebates to do it. MTE and TVA have partnered to provide home rebates to you through qualifying home energy efficiency upgrades. This program is designed to help you reduce energy consumption by improving your home’s efficiency, save money on installation…
Read moreReduce energy use to save electricity and money. The weather affects your electric bills more than any other factor in the summer and winter. When it's very hot or cold, your heating and air system uses more energy to keep your home comfortable and raises your energy bills. At MTE, we want to…
Read moreThis ensures inquiries and requests are handled in an efficient, timely manner to guarantee the highest level of member service. Key Accounts Coordinators (KAC) are responsible for oversight of energy management, contracts, rates, billing, outage information and assisting with load and maintenance…
Read moreMTE Makes Strong Showing at Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo Logan Barber, Nolan Farris win best overall lineman, apprentice MTE’s Lineman Rodeo team will be bringing home a trailer full of awards following its performance at the annual Tennessee Valley Lineman’s Rodeo in Sevierville this…
Read moreThe Levelized Plan is calculated based on your average usage, which allows you to have a more consistently priced bill even during high-energy-consumption seasons. For Existing Members, the Levelized Amount due monthly is calculated based on a "rolling average of your account's previous 12-…
Read moreMTE is committed to helping our members. For decades, MTE has helped members by providing electricity to power opportunities in their daily lives. As one of the largest not-for-profit electric distribution cooperatives in the country, MTE has built programs and options designed to assist members…
Read moremyMTE allows our members to receive notifications about their account information, service issues, and more. One great feature members can use is text alerts. These alerts are used to update you when an outage happens, on outage restoration, and when your power has been restored. Here are the…
Read moreWe're here to serve you. If you can't find what you need, give us a call at 877-777-9020 or send us a message. Our support team will follow up with you on anything you can't find.
Read moreMurfreesboro City Council passes measure to merge, MTE Board affirms agreement. Murfreesboro, Tennessee – January 10, 2020 – The Middle Tennessee Electric Board of Directors unanimously approved an agreement today to merge the Murfreesboro Electric Department into the Middle Tennessee Electric…
Read moreJanuary 27, 2021 February 24, 2021 March 31, 2021 April 28, 2021 May 26, 2021 June 30, 2021 July 28, 2021 August 25 , 2021 September 29, 2021 October 27, 2021…
Read moreMURFREESBORO, TN - The latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) show residential customers served by Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) and Murfreesboro Electric Department (MED) see energy prices that are more than 25 percent below the national average. During fiscal 2018…
Read moreNote from Chris Jones, President & CEO With the holiday season comes a time for reflection. This year has been historic in many ways. We have faced uncertainly and anxiety from extreme weather events and a global pandemic. It seems that everything has been different in 2020; change has been…
Read moreMurfreesboro, Tenn. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) answered the call for help from Louisiana electric utilities early today by sending four line crews and equipment to rural Louisiana after Hurricane Laura knocked out power to over one million people when it made landfall on August 29. Due to…
Read moreMurfreesboro, Tenn. – During the 2020 Annual Meeting held virtually Aug. 29, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) members voted to add two subdistricts to the cooperative’s Board of Directors, representing the City of Murfreesboro. On Sept. 1, MTE’s Nominating Committee appointed Ross Bradley and…
Read moreMurfreesboro, Tenn. – After the devastating tornado tore across middle Tennessee at more than 50 miles per hour early Tuesday morning on March 3, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) ultimately found itself with more than 42,000 member accounts without electricity. The EF3 tornado left a path of…
Read moreMURFREESBORO, TN – The merger between the Murfreesboro Electric Department (MED) and Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) became official and finalized today. “Now we begin bringing our two great teams together for the benefit of all those we serve,” said Chris Jones, MTE’s president and CEO. “While…
Read more100% renewable electricity for homes and small businesses No doubt about it – renewable green energy options are important to an increasing number of people around the globe. “We want to give our members more options when it comes to purchasing renewable energy, and we’re excited to add Green…
Read moreMember Services Connectivity Update from Middle Tennessee Electric Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is suspending all disconnections and payment fees as it continues to experience telephone and online communication disruptions after the Christmas Day bombing near AT…
Read moreMTE Services Back Online Monday Following Christmas Bombing Disruptions Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is pleased to report critical services such as service requests, outage reporting and payment processing will resume normal operation at 7 a.m. on Monday, December 28th. Members are…
Read moreJanuary 12, 2021 MIDDLE TENNESSEE ELECTRIC LAUNCHES NEW LOGO, BRANDING CAMPAIGN Murfreesboro, TN. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) announced an update to its brand today. MTE, whose legal name remains Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, is making only the third brand update is…
Read moreFor Immediate Release – January 25, 2021 The Arbor Day Foundation has named Middle Tennessee Electric a 2021 Tree Line USA® utility to honor its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in the utility’s service area. This marks the third consecutive year MTE has earned this…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric provides members energy-saving tips as frigid weather approaches For Immediate Release – February 9, 2021 As colder temperatures settle in this weekend, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) offers some simple energy-efficiency tips to help members manage their energy…
Read moreMTE office to close early due to inclement weather Due to inclement weather and for the safety of Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) members and employees, MTE just announced it will be closing its member-facing office locations today at 3:00 p.m. The early closure will not impact continued 24/7…
Read moreProud to be a responsible corporate citizen in our communities As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of the largest taxpayers to local governments through the ad valorem tax. The Latin phrase ad…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric urges spring storm preparedness and safety. Everyone loves sunny, warm days in spring. However, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) urges members to be weather aware and not forget we’re in the spring storm season when the formation of supercell thunderstorms is most likely…
Read moreGET TIPS TO SAVE ON CONSUMPTION, MONTHLY BILLS FROM ENERGY PROS MURFREESBORO, TENN. – Startled by a higher than usual electric bill after this winter’s bone-chilling cold waves? Want to learn some easy ways to conserve energy during those peak periods of unprecedented low temperatures, and the…
Read morePaying with cash just got more convenient! When it comes to paying your bill, convenience is key. Now, you can pay your bill at participating local retailers with the myMTE mobile app or web portal. Use your barcode in the myMTE app or on the web to pay your bill while you get groceries, gas, or…
Read moreMTE as a “Top Performer” in five categories of the TVA EnergyRight suite of programs MURFREESBORO, TN. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) has been recognized as a “Top Performer” in five categories of the TVA EnergyRight suite of programs, including first place in the TVA’s seven-state service…
Read moreMany Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) members are surprised to see their electric bills soar along side the temperature in the hottest months of the year. When sweltering heat arrives, it can be tempting to crank up the air conditioning to stay cool, but MTE says there are other steps your household…
Read moreMURFREESBORO, TN – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) leadership updated cooperative members on the organization’s health and answered questions directly from its members during its Annual Meeting, held virtually Aug. 28. In their report to the membership, Board Chairman Mike Woods and CEO Chris…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric came away as the most decorated utility from the Tennessee Valley Lineman’s Rodeo this weekend in Jackson, Tenn. Competing with utilities across the Tennessee Valley, MTE claimed seven of the 12 places in overall results across four categories of competition. Leading…
Read moreChris Jones wins NRECA's J.C. Brown CEO Communication Leadership Award Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) President and CEO Chris Jones has received the 2022 J.C. Brown CEO Communication Leadership Award. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) presented…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric’s ad valorem tax payments increase to help local communities As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of the largest taxpayers to local governments through the ad valorem tax…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Named 2022 Tree Line USA Utility by Arbor Day Foundation The Arbor Day Foundation has named Middle Tennessee Electric a 2022 Tree Line USA® utility to honor its commitment to proper tree pruning, planting and care in the utility’s service area. This marks the fourth…
Read moreEnhanced outage communications. Same great features. In the next few weeks, MTE will be upgrading electric meters in the Murfreesboro area. These new meters will communicate more efficiently with MTE's network and are an important milestone as we continue to merge the MED and MTE systems. Here's…
Read moreWhen Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) and the Murfreesboro Electric Department (MED) merged in 2020, our regulator, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), stipulated that our two rate structures be exactly the same within five years. Although MTE’s and MED’s average monthly bills were virtually…
Read moreMTE’s myEnergyPlan lets you choose an energy plan to fit your lifestyle and goals. We’ve developed residential energy options to meet your needs. Whether you’re an electric vehicle owner, want to use green energy or value simplicity — myEnergyPlan gives you more control. Build your myEnergyPlan…
Read moreHere are a few ways you can help: Pay attention to the No-Grow Zone to ensure reliable, safe utility services for you and your neighbors and the welfare of MTE line crews and contractors. Respect the easement around underground electrical equipment. This means no landscaping within 12 feet…
Read moreAny member can be nominated for election to the Nominating Committee by submitting a petition not less than sixty days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting, provided they are not a current board director or have not been employed by MTE within the last five years. Members may pick up a petition…
Read moreIf you don't find the information you need online, give us a call, swing by a local office, or send us a message. We're here to serve you. If you can't find the information you are looking for, we'll have someone follow up with you about your question or concern. It's part of our commitment to you…
Read moreAs a not-for-profit electric cooperative, MTE always explores ways to save its members money and offers options to suit their lifestyles and energy needs. MTE's nighttime rate is an optional rate for residential members. It provides a lower energy rate during off-peak hours which allows…
Read moreMTE’s NiteFlex plan allows members to shift energy usage overnight to save money on their energy bills. The NiteFlex plan sets daytime hours as 4 am – 10 pm daily and nighttime hours as 10 pm – 4 am daily. Members pay an additional $0.01 per kWh during daytime hours compared to MTE’s Traditional…
Read moreServing our members with clear communication
Read moreMTE and TVA support local teacher’s effort to heal a community. For Immediate Release – December 8, 2020 While 2020 has been a challenge across the globe, Middle Tennessee took an extra hit in March when powerful tornadoes ripped through the area displacing hundreds of residents and…
Read moreMTE urges members to take advantage of budget-friendly options year-round Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Sweltering summer temperatures can bring unexpected costs as energy consumption increases to keep homes cool. Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) encourages its members to take the uncertainty out of…
Read moreUnited Communications finalizes $130 million funding for future expanstion Franklin, Tenn. — United Communications’ Project UNITE has targeted over $100 million in expansion across eight Middle Tennessee counties as part of this year’s Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Takes Local Students to Washington, D.C. Murfreesboro, Tenn - Seven students from Middle Tennessee spent a week in the nation’s capital last month as delegates of the 2022 Washington Youth Tour. Kellie Koss from Cannon County High School, Thomas Livingston from Page…
Read moreMTE will halt disconnections, erase all late fees throughout August amid continued heat wave, rising TVA fuel costs Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) will take unprecedented steps during August to help alleviate the strain on its members from increased consumption and rising…
Read moreLocal organizations support MTE and TVA's Home Uplift Program Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Middle Tennessee Electric and the Tennessee Valley Authority announced Monday a partnership with Rutherford County Area Habitat for Humanity and First Baptist Church Murfreesboro – East Castle Street to support the…
Read moreMTE members set all-time record for electricity consumption Murfreesboro, Tenn. – In battling a record hot July, members of Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) set an all-time record for electricity consumption. “We’re setting records across the spectrum this summer, and not the kind we want to…
Read moreMTE CFO Cindy Layne Selected as 2022 CFO Awards Honoree by NBJ Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Cindy Layne, CFO at Middle Tennessee Electric, was announced as a 2022 CFO Awards honoree by the Nashville Business Journal (NBJ). To view the complete article, visit here. To determine the list of…
Read moreMTE stresses innovation and service at Annual Meeting Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) leadership highlighted its current and future innovations, updated cooperative members about the status of the organization and answered questions during its livestreamed Annual…
Read moreUnited Communications Awarded $53M In Grants to Expand Rural Broadband Access in Middle Tennessee Grant award and supplemental funding will bring high-speed internet to approximately 14,000 new locations, including homes and small businesses Franklin, Tenn. — Today, Department of…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric sending line crews to South Carolina ahead of Hurricane Ian Murfreesboro, Tenn.— Crews from Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) will leave Thursday morning for Ridgeland, South Carolina, to assist Palmetto Electric Cooperative with power restoration in the aftermath of…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric participates in an event honoring veterans Volunteers provide vegetation management services at Stones River National Cemetery Murfreesboro, Tenn.— Volunteers from Middle Tennessee Electric’s vegetation management team and the community worked to trim trees and…
Read moreMTE linemen have strong showing at International Lineman's Rodeo Murfreesboro, Tenn.— Several Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) linemen took home awards at the 38th Annual International Lineman’s Rodeo…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric, Tennessee Environmental Council breaking ground on pollinator habitat Murfreesboro, Tenn.— Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) and Tennessee Environmental Council (TEC) are partnering to establish a one-acre native pollinator habitat at MTE’s solar field in College Grove…
Read moreTraffic Advisory for I-24 on Sunday, December 4th, 2022 from 6-10 a.m. Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) advises caution for motorists as workers and contractors are scheduled to conduct work on electrical lines across I-24 in Rutherford County at exit 78 in Murfreesboro on Sunday morning, Dec. 4…
Read moreMTE reminds members to prepare for extreme cold weather With the dangerously cold temperatures arriving tonight and remaining for several days, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) encourages members to be prepared and take precautions to stay warm and safe while managing their energy costs. Below…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric encourages members to plan for frigid weather As colder temperatures settle in this week, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) offers some simple energy-efficiency tips to help members manage their energy costs. Be smart with your thermostat. Set your heating system’s…
Read moreTVA Initiates Required Load Reduction Due to Severe Weather TVA announced today it is initiating ELPC Step 50 of the TVA/TVPPA Load Curtailment Program for a second time. Under ELCP Step 50, all Local Power Companies (LPC) are required to curtail 10 percent of their load in support of…
Read moreTVA ends requirement for MTE to interrupt power Murfreesboro, Tenn. – At approximately 10:30 a.m. today, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) lifted its curtailment requirements for Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE). Early this morning, TVA initiated Step 50 of the Emergency Load Curtailment…
Read moreProactive maintenance improves reliability MTE's electric grid contains hundreds of thousands of mechanical, electrical, and technological pieces. Each one is important to provide reliable and safe electricity to our members. Daily use, weather events, and many other issues can damage our…
Read moreMTE’s Chris Jones Receives Rutherford County Chamber’s Business Person of the Year Award (Rutherford County, Tenn.) – The Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce has named Middle Tennessee Electric’s (MTE) Chris Jones as the 2022 Business Person of the…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Named 2023 Tree Line USA Utility by Arbor Day Foundation The Arbor Day Foundation has named Middle Tennessee Electric a 2023 Tree Line USA® utility to honor its commitment to urban forestry in the utility’s service area. This marks the fifth consecutive year MTE has…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Earns TVA Community Champion Award Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) has earned the Community Champion Award from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for its dedication to TVA EnergyRight programs to benefit its community. “MTE is grateful for this recognition…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric makes large tax payments to local governments MTE provides more than electricity to the communities it serves. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of the largest…
Read moreTraffic Advisory: MTE Substation Transformer Move Rescheduled to Thursday, May 25 Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) workers and contractors are moving a large substation transformer from MTE’s Owl Hollow Substation in Franklin to Rutherford County tomorrow, Thursday, May 25. Traffic is…
Read moreMTE Suspends Disconnections Amid Heat Wave As high temperatures are predicted for the remainder of this week, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) announced Wednesday it would suspend disconnections for non-payment until July 6. With temperatures in Middle Tennessee expected to soar into the upper…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Completes 100th Home Uplift Renovation July marks a milestone as Middle Tennesse Electric (MTE), in partnership with TVA EnergyRight, celebrated the 100th Home Uplift energy renovation for qualifying residents. Through Home Uplift, MTE and TVA EnergyRight work with…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Focuses on Member Needs at Annual Meeting MURFREESBORO, TN – Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) leadership updated cooperative members about the status of the organization and answered questions during its livestreamed Annual Meeting Saturday, Aug. 26. Board Chairman…
Read moreUnited Communications announces $85M fiber internet investment in Murfreesboro FRANKLIN, Tenn., Aug. 28, 2023 — United Communications today announced plans to invest another $85 million to expand its enterprise-ready fiber internet service to an additional 77,000 MTE members in Murfreesboro,…
Read moreTraffic Advisory for N. Mt. Juliet Road Sunday, Nov. 5 Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) advises caution for motorists on Sunday morning, Nov. 5, as its contractors, Service Electric, are scheduled to work on electrical lines across N. Mt. Juliet Road (SR-171) between Weston Drive and Cedar Drive…
Read moreMTE Employees Rally Behind Cancer Awareness Campaign Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) employees showed their support during the co-op's cancer awareness and prevention campaign that ran throughout the month of October. Beginning Oct. 1, employees who donated $25 or more to a charitable…
Read moreMTE urges members to prepare for winter weather As colder temperatures settle in next week, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) offers some simple energy-efficiency tips to help members manage their energy costs. Be smart with your thermostat. Set your heating system’s…
Read moreTVA asks customers to conserve power during critical Wednesday morning period The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is asking consumers to take special steps to conserve electricity between 6-10 a.m. Wednesday, as the power supplier will be working to meet record power demand amid zero-degree…
Read moreMTE makes large tax payments to local governments MTE provides more than electricity to the communities it serves. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of the largest taxpayers to local governments…
Read moreMTE Traffic Advisory for Thompson Lane March 4-15 Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) advises caution for Murfreesboro motorists starting Monday, March 4, and possibly continuing through Friday, March 15, as its contractors, Burford Tree, trim trees in the Right-of-Way on the southbound lane of…
Read moreDriving Electric in Tennessee Just Got Easier Middle Tennessee Electric connects the City of Lebanon to Fast Charge TN and regional Fast Charge Network As automakers retool their factories to build electric vehicles (EVs), many more will be on the roadways in the next decade. Middle Tennessee…
Read moreFranklin's Maureen Thornton appointed to Middle Tennessee Electric Board of Directors Middle Tennessee Electric’s Nominating Committee appointed Maureen Thornton of Franklin to the cooperative’s Board of Directors following a special-called meeting on Tuesday, April 2. The purpose of…
Read moreRutherford County's Earth Day Celebration returns April 20 Join Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Murfreesboro’s historic downtown square for the 23rd Annual Earth Day Celebration. Rutherford County’s Earth Day Celebration aims to educate and…
Read moreMTE Traffic Advisory for I-24 Sunday, April 21 Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) advises caution for Rutherford County motorists traveling eastbound and westbound on I-24 between Old Hickory Boulevard and Almaville Road this Sunday, April 21. Rolling roadblocks will begin at 6 a.m. that…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Partners with TVA to Award Grants to Local Schools Through School Uplift Program Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) announced today that Holloway High School, located in the Rutherford County School District; Bradley Academy, located in the Murfreesboro City School…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric and Silicon Ranch Announce First Utility-Scale Solar Project Under TVA’s Expanded Generation Flexibility Program Nashville-based Silicon Ranch, one of the nation’s largest independent power producers and a community-focused renewable energy company, and Middle Tennessee…
Read moreMTE Linemen Return from Volunteering in Guatemala A team of 11 linemen from Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) returned at the end of May from a nearly three-week volunteer trip to Jalapa, Guatemala, where they utilized their skills and expertise to establish electricity in a rural part of the…
Read moreMTE Linemen Display Skills at Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo MTE team sweeps three of four categories, places second in other MTE’s Lineman Rodeo team had a strong performance at the annual Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo in Chattanooga last weekend. The Lineman Rodeo is a two-day…
Read moreMTE offers expert tips to cut energy costs during hot weather With temperatures in Middle Tennessee expected to soar into the 90s this weekend, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) has provided several recommendations to help members reduce their energy usage and save money on their electric bills…
Read moreMTE Highlights Progress and Community Outreach at Annual Meeting Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) leadership updated cooperative members about the status of the organization and answered questions during its livestreamed Annual Meeting Saturday, Aug. 24. Board Chairman Steve Seger, CEO Chris…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric Accelerates EV Infrastructure with New Fast Chargers In response to the growing demand for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure in Tennessee, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) has announced the installation of four new fast chargers at its Central Office, located at 555…
Read moreMTE offers energy-saving tips as cold temperatures settle in As cold temperatures arrive, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) encourages members to prepare and adopt simple energy-saving practices to manage their energy costs effectively. Here are some practical tips to keep your home warm and your…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric contributes to local communities through significant tax payments MTE provides more than electricity to the communities it serves. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) is exempt from certain types of taxes, but it is still one of…
Read moreTo view the current list, you can contact our Energy Services team or register through eScore online to find QCN contractors in your area.
Read moreAs a not-for-profit organization, Middle Tennessee Electric strives to keep our rates as low as possible for our members. As a result, MTE’s residential rates rank among the lowest in the nation - more than 25% below the national average. Approximately 80 cents of every dollar received through…
Read moreThe Wrong Way Incorrectly planting trees on the property has a negative impact on the benefits and aesthetics of your landscaping. Planting large-growing trees under utility lines often means disfigured trees in later years because they must be trimmed to prevent outages. Properly planting trees…
Read moreIs your business temporarily closed or offering limited service? It can be a difficult time, but you can make the most of it by finding ways to save energy and money, and improve your operations, during the downtime. Here's some food for thought. Take comfort You can waste a lot of energy…
Read moreMiddle Tennessee Electric President and CEO Chris Jones praised the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) reliability as a major heat wave continues to engulf the area. “You can never say never, but we are very confident TVA – unlike many other U.S. electric providers – will manage through these…
Read moreRequest for Proposal (RFP) to Procure Products or Services This page provides public notice of current RFPs. There are no open RFPs if the list below is blank. RFP General Description Point of Contact Submit RFP To: Deadline…
Read moreHelping you save money, energy, and time. We’re constantly working to help members save. With the help of TVA EnergyRight, our power generation partner, we’ve created rebates, incentives, programs, and resources to improve your home’s energy efficiency, reduce the time you spend looking for a…
Read moreMTE uses the following criteria to screen and approve professional contractors for inclusion on the list: Licensing and Certification ROW Contractor Network vendors must have been in business for at least one year and must maintain all applicable licenses and certifications, including but not…
Read moreIf you have feedback, questions, or comments for them, please fill out the contact form below.
Read moreMay 4, 2020 - Murfreesboro, Tenn. – Residents in many Middle Tennessee communities experienced power outages overnight due to a line of severe thunderstorms and 70+ mph straight-line winds that passed through the area late Sunday afternoon. Beginning at approximately 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 3,…
Read moreHigh winter bills? You can stop them cold Are you looking for ways to save money by reducing your energy use? Let MTE be your local trusted energy adviser. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, our purpose is to make your life better. It’s part of our ongoing effort to serve our members in…
Read moreDue to system maintenance, electronic payments may be unavailable from 11:59 PM CST on Tuesday, January 21, to 4:00 AM CST on Wednesday, January 22. If you experience any issues, please try again after 4:00 AM CST on Wednesday. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Read moreMTE requires all new or expansion residential solar installations to have an interconnection application and agreement filled out, signed, and approved before beginning construction. MTE will have an engineer review the specifications and drawings to ensure a safe interconnection and make sure…
Read moreMTE is committed to helping our members go solar. That's why we work to help members learn and understand emerging energy technology like solar, electric vehicles, and battery storage. If you have questions about solar, contact MTE and our in-house team of certified solar experts. The information…
Read moreStay Weather Aware and Take Storm Precautions When severe weather is predicted, we encourage members to stay weather-aware and make preparations. MTE’s Systems Control monitors the grid for outages 24/7 using our advanced metering infrastructure and smart grid capabilities. AMI meters report…
Read moreAt Middle Tennessee Electric, our mission is to provide affordable, reliable, safe electricity and outstanding member service. One way we're fulfilling a mission cornerstone — affordability — is helping our members save on their energy costs. Effective April 1, 2023, MTE launched a new…
Read moreHOW IT WORKS As a charitable foundation, SharingChange exists to give back to the communities that MTE serves. Members like you donate funds, with 100% of the donations going to local charities and organizations such as Empower Me Day Camp in Lebanon and Project Healing Waters. Since 2003,…
Read moreThe SharingChange program is intended to support projects that benefit communities in the Middle Tennessee Electric service area. This program does not fund candidates for political office or any political purpose, government entities, schools or their supporting organizations or expressly…
Read moreThe Tesla Powerpack is a battery energy storage system (BESS) designed for a wide range of uses. In this pilot program, it will be used to reduce MTE’s energy demand charges from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and improve demand response time to its members when additional energy is needed.…
Read moreA replacement tree may be provided free of charge on qualifying yard trees removed to improve the safety and reliability of MTE’s power system. If a replacement is granted, MTE recommends the following trees for replacement of such removals. They are all proven performers for our area. When…
Read moreThe Tennessee Magazine is published monthly by the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA). The publication has a circulation of more than 550,000 around the world and is the most widely circulated monthly publication in the state of Tennessee. But, it’s more than just an electric…
Read moreMTEMC currently offers some Time of Use rates. Key Account Coordinators can identify potential businesses that would benefit from switching to (TOU). This rate solution helps businesses have the information to assist them in making educated decisions on production times and shifts.
Read moreThis is a subtitle. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac diam mauris. Etiam vitae erat purus. Cras vestibulum metus id justo cursus, vitae faucibus turpis feugiat. Quisque maximus feugiat mi sit amet vehicula. Sed sed varius orci. Curabitur laoreet auctor arcu sed…
Read moreAs trusted partners of Middle Tennessee Electric, we want to thank our builders, contractors, vendors, and other businesses for our strong working relationship and provide you with an update on our approved material list. Many manufacturers and suppliers are experiencing supply chain issues…
Read moreMTE provides tips to help its members lower usage MTE members can expect higher than normal bills this summer as the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Fuel Cost Adjustment charge remains up, thanks primarily to much higher natural gas prices. “As compared to last summer’s bills, we…
Read moreNissan, Middle Tennessee Electric, UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute, Tennessee State University and Seven States Power Corp. Announce Innovative Battery Storage Project FRANKLIN, TENN. - Nissan, Middle Tennessee Electric, the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute,…
Read moreTVA's Fuel Cost Adjustment Although MTE works hard to keep our rates low, monthly bills may vary due to increases or decreases in the TVA Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA) from TVA, the co-op’s power provider. TVA uses the FCA to help manage fluctuations in the costs of the fuels it uses to generate…
Read moreUnited Communications Awarded $1.3 million through the Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Grant to provide service to the Eagleville Community in Rutherford County Eagleville, Tenn. – April 7, 2020 – United Communications, Middle Tennessee’s leading provider of fiber and fixed wireless internet…
Read moreWhen severe weather arrives, can MTE and emergency services contact you? It is important to plan for unavoidable emergencies. One way you can prepare is by keeping your contact information up-to-date so that we can alert you about potential outages or safety issues due. Members are encouraged to…
Read morePower restored to all impacted areas Residents and business in the Blackman and Gateway areas of Murfreesboro experienced a power outage today for several hours. At approximately 11:15 a.m., the Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) Blackman and Gateway Substations lost service from the Tennessee…
Read moreThe Nominating Committee of Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) announced today that Vanessa Hickman will serve on the MTE Board of Directors, completing the term of the seat vacated by the retirement of Tom Purkey. Hickman was nominated to the Board after submitting her candidacy during the…
Read moreEach year, we sponsor a creative writing contest with an unforgettable, expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., as its prize. Who gets to participate? High School Juniors When does it happen? June When is the deadline for entries? February 14 How do I enter to win? To enter the contest,…
Read moreConnecting Communities by Sam Walsh in Williamson County It’s a busy day in our small town. There’s a refreshing mid-afternoon breeze that makes working for Mr. Lewis on his farm a little easier. He and everyone else in town don’t own a planting machine, so Mr. Lewis regularly hires the…
Read moreMTE is fully aware of the mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). We are currently in the final phase of a two-year data collection pilot program, “Smart Charge Nashville.” At the conclusion of this pilot, we should have a firm strategy when it comes to EVs. Right now, we can offer advice and…
Read moreThis is a great question! I think, however, there is a more important underlying principle that has to be addressed before diving into Distributed Energy Resources (DER) technology. That principle involves awareness and habits. You must first become aware of your energy usage and its impact on…
Read moreDistributed energy resources (DER) are easier than ever to obtain today via the web and with the enormous number of DIY kits, videos, and how-to’s out there. Unfortunately, some folks risk installing these technologies without being aware of the danger posed to MTE employees. Solar panel kits,…
Read moreSince 2000, MTE has concentrated on building out its infrastructure and adding service offerings to meet the area’s rapid residential, commercial and industrial growth as Middle Tennessee's population continues to surge. That service approach continues today and has expanded to include renewable…
Read moreDue to inclement weather and for the safety of Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) members and employees, MTE just announced that it will be closing its office locations today at 3:00 p.m. Offices are tentatively scheduled to re-open Friday at 9:00 a.m., weather permitting. As always, MTE’s…
Read moreEach of the 23 rural electric cooperatives in Tennessee may sponsor two students at this three-day event. Held in Nashville at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, seminar activities include visits to Legislative Plaza, House, and Senate committee sessions, a tour of the Capitol building, leadership…
Read moreWe're sorry to hear you're experiencing a service disruption or outage. While our advanced metering infrastructure report service issues within minutes, you may prefer to report your outage.
Our crews and operation teams are working around the clock to ensure our members have the electricity they need for light, comfort, and convenience.
To learn more about service disruptions and outages, check out MTE.com/ServiceConcerns.
Our member support team is ready to help you address any concerns or issues you may have about electric service, community efforts, and so much more. From billing and account questions, to expert advice on efficiency and renewables, Team MTE is ready to serve our members. Give us a call or send us a message to get the answers you need.
For more ways to contact us, go to MTE.com/ContactUs.
To find your local office, go to MTE.com/OfficeLocations.
You can complete service requests at MTE.com/StartStopMove.
We're sorry to hear you're experiencing a service disruption or outage. While our advanced metering infrastructure report service issues within minutes, you may prefer to report your outage.
Our crews and operation teams are working around the clock to ensure our members have the electricity they need for light, comfort, and convenience.
To learn more about service disruptions and outages, check out MTE.com/ServiceConcerns.
Our member support team is ready to help you address any concerns or issues you may have about electric service, community efforts, and so much more. From billing and account questions, to expert advice on efficiency and renewables, Team MTE is ready to serve our members. Give us a call or send us a message to get the answers you need.
For more ways to contact us, go to MTE.com/ContactUs.
To find your local office, go to MTE.com/OfficeLocations.
You can complete service requests at MTE.com/StartStopMove.