Energy Academy

Home Energy Checkups

Home Energy Checkups

Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed Energy Resources

Home Uplift

Home Uplift

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Rebates & Incentives

Rebates & Incentives

Your membership benefits just got better!

Energy Efficiency Workshops

MTE hosts Energy Academy workshops to help members save money on their electric bills. These workshops provide an opportunity to learn from MTE's Energy Pros and ask specific questions to help you save energy and money.

These aren't your typical sit-down presentations. Our workshops include hands-on demonstrations and real-word examples presented by an MTE energy service coordinator. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge to improve your energy habits and increase your home’s efficiency.  

We'll discuss a variety of topics, including:

  • No-cost or low-cost home upgrades
  • Smart home technology
  • Year-round saving opportunities
  • Energy assistance programs to help qualified residents, such as Home Uplift

Members who attend will receive free food and can qualify for giveaways at each workshop.

Attend a workshop by signing up at