Energy Services

Energy Services

Home Energy Checkups

Home Energy Checkups

Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed Energy Resources

Home Uplift

Home Uplift

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Rebates & Incentives

Rebates & Incentives

Save Energy & Money

Personalized Advice

Take control of your energy habits

MTE is the trusted energy advisor and provider to thousands of members. We're here to help you find solutions to your questions about energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, renewables, and so much more.

TVA Programs by MTE

The HVAC system (heating and cooling) is by far the largest energy user in most homes. Choosing a heating and air conditioning unit for your home will have a budget impact for years to come, not only in initial investment and maintenance but monthly energy costs.

Learn about Heat Pump Loans

The New Homes Program was designed by TVA and MTE to offer a suite of new HVAC and water-heating equipment incentives for home builders. Incentives are available for all-electric homes, as well as homes that have gas appliances.

New Home Program information

We've partnered with TVA to provide a list of heating and air conditioning contractors that meet their energy standards. This group of businesses is called the Quality Contractor Network (QCN). To qualify for certain Energy Right Solution programs like the Heat Pump Loan program, members must use a contractor from this network.

Helping you save energy and money on your next appliance purchase

We've partnered with TVA to offer another great tool for members looking to buy a new appliance. While your heating and cooling system uses the most energy in your home, appliances are also energy hogs. When you purchase a new appliance — like a dishwasher, refrigerator or dryer — you should consider buying a more efficient model to reduce how much energy you consume. This can help you save money on your monthly bill. Over time, the savings can really add up.