Green Switch

This program is a joint effort with TVA to offer members green energy for just $2 per month. Members in this program pay a set amount each month to receive 200-kWh of renewable energy. Unlike Cooperative Solar or Green Switch 100, members in this program receive a set amount of energy for a predetermined cost. 

How does it work? 

Each $2 block is equivalent to adding 200-kilowatt hours of clean, renewable power to the grid. This month-to-month program is a great way to do your part to help preserve our planet. 

Who should consider signing up? 

Members looking to use renewable energy but don’t have the space, money, or time to devote to their own solar PV energy installation benefit from this program. This is an easy way to claim clean, renewable energy without the ups and downs in energy generation that comes with a typical solar PV energy installation. 

Talk to an expert in solar. Find the right thing for you. 

We’ve got solar expertise on staff. Before joining MTE, Tim Suddoth spent over 6 years in the Solar Industry learning the ins and outs of sales, design estimating, permitting, commissioning, and installing solar systems. He holds certifications from NABCEP — the North America Board of Certified Energy Practitioners — the gold standard for solar. If you have any questions, Tim is available to talk to at no charge. 

Other Energy Services Information

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