Fixed Budget Billing allows members to pay fixed amounts each month calculated on their previous 12-month consumption. No matter your energy consumption, you’ll be charged the same amount on your monthly bill. Once a year, your account will be “settled up” and either a credit issued (if you’ve over-paid) or an adjustment added (if you’ve underpaid) based on actual use the previous 12 months. It's another convenient billing option for members, especially those who want a consistent monthly payment. Don’t forget that on an annual basis, you’re required to settle the amount of unused or overused energy consumption.

This option is only available for residential members. To learn more about how to sign up or if you qualify, contact MTE at 877-777-9020, a local area office, or through our contact form.

Other Member Service Information

Member Service

Life Support Program
Members dependent on life-support equipment in their homes are given special consideration by MTE.  To be granted this special attention, members are required to complete a form, which includes the verification of a doctor.

Member Service

How to Read Your Bill
As a member-owner of MTE, you can now become an expert on your energy usage. Not only can your bill report how much energy you use each day, but it can tell you the daily cost, how outside temperature affects your homes energy usage and how your current energy consumption compares to the year before.

Member Service

Supplemental Residential Rate
MTE launched a new Supplemental Residential Rate for members with secondary meters at the same location as a residence.