Middle Tennessee Electric is not only recognized as a leader in our community but also has a substantial impact across the state and nation with other related organizations. The organizations listed below are an example of the types of organizations we work with to fulfill our purpose and mission.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a federal agency created in 1933 to supply power and other services to the seven-state Tennessee Valley region. In addition to supplying power, TVA has regulatory powers in rate-making and other jurisdictional arrangements with the electrical distributors. TVA generates all power within the seven-state region and resells through 159 local power companies of which MTE is a top five distributor.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) is the national organization of 900+ electric cooperatives across the country. NRECA furnishes several services to the cooperatives, including federal legislative contacts, training seminars, member communication materials, insurance, and retirement programs.

The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association (TECA) is the state organization of the 23 electric cooperatives within the state of Tennessee. It furnishes various services to the cooperatives, including legislative contacts, publishes the Tennessee Magazine, and coordinates other state activities.

The Touchstone Energy Cooperative is a national network of electric cooperatives that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help its member cooperatives and their employees better engage and serve their members. MTE utilizes our programs for a variety of services,  including member communication and marketing. 

The Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA) is the seven-state TVA region organization of all 159 distributors of TVA power, both cooperatives and municipals. TVPPA negotiates with TVA on behalf of its members and furnishes research and development programs and training seminars.

The Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE) is the political action arm of NRECA and furnishes lobbying expertise on the national level. No corporate funds can be used to support ACRE. Members of the ACRE organization range from those serving on the Board of Directors and senior leadership, to employees and cooperative members.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is the national research and development organization of all electric distributors, including cooperative, municipal and investor-owned systems. EPRI is engaged in numerous research and development projects, the results of which are available to the electric utility industry.

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Related Agencies
Middle Tennessee Electric is not only recognized as a leader in our community but also has a substantial impact across the state and nation with other related organizations. The organizations listed below are an example the types of organizations we work with to fulfill our purpose and mission.

About Us

Administration & Governance
As a local electric cooperative, our consumers are member-owner in their cooperative.

About Us

Safe, reliable, and affordable electricity and innovation MTE began more than 80 years ago to electrify a few hundred r