Understanding microgrid technology to help members
MTE is committed to making life better for members. One way we're accomplishing this purpose is through the research and commitment to innovative energy technology like Smart Grid infrastructure and microgrid research.
Microgrid Frequently Asked Questions
A microgrid can operate independently and can be powered by generators, batteries, or renewable resources. It connects to the main grid and maintains the voltage at the same level unless there is a problem with the main grid, in which case it would disconnect and run independently.
These grids connect residential properties and businesses to central power sources, which allow them to operate their appliances, HVAC systems, and electronics. When one part of the grid needs to be repaired, everyone is affected.
Microgrid Example Diagram

As energy technology evolves, we need to evolve with it to better understand new technology trends and improve reliability at our disaster recovery building. By understanding the technology with hands-on applications, it allows us to educate our members as they invest in energy technology at their homes or businesses.
Most people compare a microgrid to an island since it can disconnect and operate on its own. It can create its own small power system, but it is better utilized as an energy manager. Based on our requirements and goals, it can help us: reduce our demand, reduce our energy consumption, or optimize to achieve the lowest wholesale electricity bill.
It also has a feature that can detect an increased likelihood of an outage due to a weather forecast and will change its operation strategy to ensure that the battery system is fully charged.
Any time we can be a trusted energy advisor for our members, we both win. There are even more complex scenarios that could happen in the future. For instance, we could signal to members with their own battery systems and microgrids to dispatch local generation onto the grid during system peaks to help us all keep our rates down. This is just one potential that can happen as microgrid technology continues to evolve.
More information related to Smart Grid
Middle Tennessee Electric is undertaking a significant long-term infrastructure upgrade to better meet our members’ current and future needs. This improvement involves creating a ‘Smart Grid’ using the latest electric distribution technology to increase reliability and power quality while reducing and shortening outages. As we implement Smart Grid, we've started answering some frequently asked questions our members have about the technology.
Middle Tennessee Electric has invested in advanced meters to improve the quality and efficiency of the electric systems that serve our members. Our advanced meters have allowed us to improve reliability by pinpointing and responding to outages more effectively. They also let us build a technological foundation to enable future tools and services for our members. Finally, they provide environmental benefits through the interconnectivity of renewable energy sources, demand response, and energy efficiency.
MTE has teamed with Tesla, one of the most innovative technology companies in the energy industry, to test a new program intended to save members money via a cutting-edge energy management process.
MTE is committed to making life better for members. One way we're accomplishing this purpose is through the research and commitment to innovative energy technology like Smart Grid infrastructure and microgrid research.