MTE/MED Rate Transition Plan

When Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) and the Murfreesboro Electric Department (MED) merged in 2020, our regulator, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), stipulated that our two rate structures be exactly the same within five years. Although MTE’s and MED’s average monthly bills
were virtually identical, the way we packaged rates differed.

Beginning April 2023, MTE took the first of three small steps to align these rates. Therefore, you will note a slight increase in the Basic Service Charge but a slight decrease in the per-kilowatt-hour energy charge. Overall, the average increase or decrease is expected to be less than $1 per month. Depending on usage, most affected members will see a decrease during periods of high energy use. The next alignment steps will occur in 2024 and 2025.

If you have questions about this transition, please contact us at 877-777-9020, or to view MTE's detailed rate schedule, please visit

Frequently Asked Questions

When TVA approved the MTE/MED merger, TVA required MTE to align all rates within five years. 

The rate alignment will happen in very small steps over the next three years. The first step will take effect in April 2023.

Most members will not notice the changes because this will only affect members currently on MED Legacy Rates. Residential members already on MTE rates will not be affected.

Since the rate alignment lowers the energy rates for the MED Legacy Rate members, many will see decreases in their bills during months of high usage (such as summer). The average increase or decrease for residential members currently on MED Legacy Rates is less than $1 per month.

There is nothing members need to do. MTE has identified all MTE members still on MED Legacy Rates. These members were automatically switched to the appropriate Transition Rate in April 2023.

You can contact our member support team via phone, email or stopping by your local office. To review MTE's detailed rate schedule, please visit