Message from Earth Day Chair

It is once again time to sign up to be part of Rutherford County’s 24th Annual Earth Day Celebration! The event will be held on Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the historic public square in downtown Murfreesboro.

For the Earth Day Celebration to be a success, we need your participation. Attached is all the information you need to participate. Please read over the ‘Rules and Guidelines’ carefully, as some items have been updated from previous years. The application deadline is Friday, April 4; however, I would appreciate having the applications in as soon as possible so that we are able to let the public know who will have a booth at the event in advance. This year’s theme is “Our Power, Our Planet.”

The theme, “Our Power, Our Planet,” highlights the importance of harnessing clean energy to build a sustainable future. The event aims to educate and inspire the community to take action in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting clean energy solutions. It also emphasizes the collective “power” of individuals and communities to make a positive impact on the planet. Every individual can contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts. By coming together as a community, we can harness our collective power to protect and preserve our planet for future generations.

Rutherford County’s Earth Day Celebration aims to educate and mobilize our community into action. This year, we ask that your booth reflect our theme of “Our Power, Our Planet.” Some examples of how the theme could be used are through interactive displays that demonstrate renewable energy solutions, educational materials showcasing sustainable practices, or activities that engage attendees in reducing their environmental footprint. Booths can also highlight community-led initiatives, such as local clean energy projects, eco-friendly businesses, or volunteer opportunities that support environmental conservation efforts.

For more information, you can go to or follow our social media pages so you can get the latest information leading up to Earth Day:

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am looking forward to seeing you all back this year.

Thanks for your consideration,

Amy Byers Chair-2025 Earth Day Committee

Rules and Guidelines for Exhibitors 

  • All applications must follow the guidelines for booths/exhibits and meet the approval of the 2025 Earth Day Planning Committee.
  • Deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 4, 2025.
  • Applications must be filled out completely and signed.
  • There is no fee for government and non-profit organizations. The booth fee for businesses is $50. · Applications and additional questions can be submitted by e-mail to or by mail at Middle Tennessee Electric, Attn: Amy Byers, P. O. Box 330008, Murfreesboro, TN 37133.
  • Booth/exhibit space provided is either 10' x 10 or 10' x 20'. If your business or organization needs additional space or accommodations other than what has been described, please indicate that on the application.
  • Businesses and organizations must provide their own tables, tents, staff and exhibit materials. Two chairs will be provided per booth. Tents should be weighted. Stakes are not allowed.
  • All booth/exhibits must follow the guidelines listed below. Space is provided on the application to describe the content and purpose of your booth/exhibit, and by signing the application you agree to abide by them.
  • All booth/exhibits must be educational and have an environmental focus.
  • Exhibitors may sell merchandise if it is approved by the Earth Day Planning Committee prior to the event.
  • Exhibitors cannot use their exhibit to advocate for or against any elected official, candidate, political party or religion.
  • Domesticated animals cannot be part of an exhibit. Wildlife may be displayed only if it serves an educational, environmental purpose. Exhibits are only displays. No public handling of animals is allowed. The animals are the responsibility of the organization bringing them to the event. All necessities, including shelter, food, water, safety equipment and sanitary equipment are required.
  • The Earth Day Celebration is a Zero-Waste event. To keep waste levels low, exhibitors, vendors, sponsors and volunteers are required to comply with any and all Zero-Waste guidelines. Organizations that do not abide by the terms of the waste guidelines may not be allowed to participate in future events. Recycling containers will be provided on-site. Any material you bring that cannot be recycled must be taken back with you. Please do not distribute materials and/or materials with packaging that cannot be recycled. Refer to “Target Rutherford, Target Zero Guide to a Waste-Free Event” for waste reduction and recycling guidelines. Please contact Rutherford County’s Solid Waste Department at 615-898-7739 if you have any questions.
  • Any business or organization not following these guidelines will be asked to leave the celebration.
Day of Celebration 
  • The 2025 Earth Day Celebration will take place on Rutherford County’s historic public square in downtown Murfreesboro on Saturday, April 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Set-up begins at 8:00 a.m. and all booth/exhibits must be completed by 9:30 a.m.
  • Break-down of booth/exhibits can begin at 2:00 p.m.
  • Parking is available around the square.
  • If it rains, the Celebration will be moved to the Sports*Com located at 2310 Memorial Boulevard. If the weather is questionable, please call 615-494-0407. I will leave a voice message letting you know if the event has been moved.